Easy Solutions to Help Boost Your Email Open Rates

If you use email marketing, then you understand the importance of email open rates. Only a portion of the people that you send emails to will actually open the email.
This is why you need to grab their attention with the subject line. Unfortunately, creating an effective subject line isn’t always easy. People get a lot of emails and don’t have time to read everything that comes through their inbox.
You don’t need to rethink your entire email marketing strategy. With a little bit of tweaking, you can learn how to improve your email open rates.
Your Subject Line Needs to Be Short
Your subject line should contain no more than 8 words. If the subject line is too long, it’ll take too long to read, which will result in lower open rates.
Keeping the subject line short also forces you to strip away unnecessary words. You’re forced to create a clear, direct message with your subject line.
Leave the Recipient Wanting More
While you should be direct with your subject line, you also don’t want to give everything away. The email recipient should want to read more. Leave a little bit of mystery to the subject.
For example, you might state, “Your best online marketing tips are ready.”
With this subject line, the reader knows that the email will contain marketing tips or a link to tips. But, they don’t know much else. This is easy to do. Typically, you just need to cut your headline in half.
A full headline might’ve read, “Discover the best online marketing tips for increasing conversion rates.”
By removing the last half of the headline, and personalizing the beginning, you’re left with a short, effective subject line.
Use Alliteration in Your Subject Lines
Alliteration is the repeated occurrence of the same letter. It makes headlines, titles, and subject lines stand out. They’re more fun to read and more likely to result in an opened email.
Using the previous example, “More marketing tips to help you make money.”
The repetition of the same letter draws your eye to the subject line. When you’re scrolling through multiple emails in your inbox, this small difference can have a big impact on whether or not you open an email.
Use Second-Person Narrative
You should craft your subject lines using second-person narrative. The words that you’re reading right now are written in the second person. This is the use of “you” and “your” in your subject line and copy.
Second-person narrative is a little more personable than third-person, where there is no pronoun. Look at the following two examples:
  • Your best online marketing tips are ready
  • The best online marketing tips are ready
The second example doesn’t have the same impact as the first one. It doesn’t make any connection to the reader.
Basically, you need to include “you” somewhere in your subject line.
Always Test Multiple Subject Lines
You should always test two separate subject lines when you send out a round of emails. A/B split testing allows you to compare two variations of the same email. You can look at the results and easily see which subject line worked best.
Every time you check these results, make a note of the difference between the two subject lines. This will help you learn what works and what doesn’t.
Crafting effective subject lines requires practice. You won’t always get the results that you want. Remember to test multiple subject lines, keep them short, and speak to your reader.
In addition to these ideas, you can find even more online marketing tips, and a way to generate conversion-ready prospects each month, by clicking here to learn about my done-for-you system.

5 Ways to Find Content to Share on Social Media

If you want to succeed with internet marketing, you need to make the most of the social media landscape. This means attracting more followers with the help of shared content.
Curated content, or found content, should comprise the majority of your social media posts. The profiles that only put out promotional posts never gain traction.
At the same time, you should try to post at least once per day, during the weekdays. This means that you need at least 5 posts per week. It can be hard to find enough relevant content to keep up this schedule, especially if you choose to post several times per day.
But, there are ways to find content and simplify this process.
#1 Search for Content on Twitter
The first place to look for content is Twitter. Simply scrolling through your Twitter feed and seeing what people have shared recently could give you a few ideas. You might find at least one article that you could share with your followers.
When you do find an article worth sharing, visit the actual article and retweet the initial tweet. Then, share the article with your other social media profiles, such as Facebook or Instagram.
#2 Personalize Your News Feed
The next solution for finding content is to personalize your news feed. Google and other news aggregators make it easy to add categories for specific terms. You can include a category for your niche market.
For example, if you’re involved in internet marketing, you can add an “internet marketing” category in your news feed. The news aggregator should then grab the latest news headlines related to internet marketing each day.
#3 Search a Sub-Reddit for Content
Reddit is a great source of content. There is a subreddit for everything. Find the subreddit related to your niche and scroll through the latest entries.
#4 Check Facebook for Content
Of course, Facebook is also a good place to look for content. It’s the most used social media network, with over a billion users.
Look for unconventional sources of news and content. Don’t rely on the businesses and brands that you follow. There’s a good chance that some of your followers will follow these same accounts. You don’t want to just repeat the same content to the same people.
You can use the search feature on Facebook to browse niche categories. If possible, look for content hosted on a website, instead of an individual Facebook post. Then, visit the link and share the article from the original source.
#5 Use Buzzsumo to Search for Trending Topics
The final solution for finding content is to use Buzzsumo. You can test it out for free, but it requires a monthly fee after 14 days. Though, you’ll have quick access to the most shared content related to any topic.
All you need to do is enter a keyword or topic in the search bar. Buzzsumo will present you with a list of search results. They are listed in order of total shares. But, you can adjust the search criteria to fit your needs. You can limit the results to posts within the past day, past month, or longer.
The bottom line is that you need content to share with your followers. You can’t just rely on your own content unless you have the time or money to generate new content on a daily basis. Use these solutions to quickly find content and stick to your social media posting schedule.
Make social media a priority, if you want to grow your sales potential. For even more marketing tips to help you succeed, along with a proven system for generating conversion-ready traffic each month, click here to learn about my done-for-you system.

How to Monetize Your Site and Increase Your Influence Using Sponsored Posts

Several years ago, if you could receive thousands of visitors each month, you could make decent money thanks to your on-page ads. But, people have become blind to the ads.
It’s more difficult to monetize a site with the use of advertising. So, it’s time to start looking at alternative ways to make money from your internet traffic.
At the same time, adopting a new approach for monetization can help increase the user experience provided by your website and your overall influence.
The approach that you should think about using is the use of sponsored posts.
What are Sponsored Posts?
Sponsored posts are blog articles that businesses pay you to publish on your website. This includes articles that you write or that they submit. They can also cover any format, including reviews, informative posts, and videos.
The main idea is that these posts help the business obtain backlinks and increase their online presence. Meanwhile, you benefit by getting paid to add more content to your site.
But, in order to get paid for these posts, you first need to find businesses that are willing to pay for this service.
Finding Businesses That Need Sponsored Posts
Reach out to businesses related to your niche market. Send them an email with your pitch. You should mention that you’re opening up the chance for businesses to have their articles published on your website. Include the fee that you charge for publication.
Obviously, some businesses will turn you down. Though, as with anything, you’ll get a few bites.
Once you start publishing these sponsored posts, you’ll be able to track the stats related to each published post. Keep track of the number of visitors that the article receives and the number of social media shares that it gets.
You can then use these details in future pitches to other businesses. Basically, the more of these posts you publish, the easier it will become to find new businesses.
 Make Sure That the Sponsored Posts Match Your Brand
You shouldn’t publish any posts that don’t correlate with the brand image that you’re trying to promote. While you can disclose that you don’t necessarily agree with the views or opinions of the author, you’re publishing their post on your website.
So, any negative response that the post receives will also be directed to your website.
When you start publishing sponsored posts, you’ll need to create a standard agreement for your customer to sign. This should include a stipulation that all articles must receive final approval before publishing and that you can choose to deny and refund any post that you don’t want to publish.
Don’t Forget to Continue Releasing Your Own Content
You can’t fill your website with sponsored content. After a while, your regular readers will stop showing up. You should use this sponsored content as a source of additional income and supplement your own content.
Using a calendar can help you avoid publishing too many sponsored posts. For example, if you stick to a blogging schedule of one new blog each week, you could take on one sponsored post each month.
Sticking to around 75% original content and 25% sponsored content should be sufficient to keep your readers happy.
If you’re careful with the use of sponsored posts, this can also help increase your influence. Your site can become a go-to source of beneficial information related to your niche. You just need to be a little selective with the quality of the content that you publish.
Sponsored posts provide a simple alternative to ad placement for monetizing your site. If you’d like even more marketing tips and suggestions and a way to generate high-converting traffic, then click here to learn about my done-for-you system.

5 Ways to Personalize Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Using a personalized approach to your marketing strategy can help increase conversions and boost customer retention. Though, this isn’t always easy. You need to consider every stage of your sales funnel, from emails to landing pages.
We’ll cover each of these areas and show you how to personalize your digital marketing strategy.
Create a Buyer Persona
The first step is to create a buyer persona. You want to start the personalization before you even capture your customer’s name and information. This is done with a buyer persona, which is basically an outline of your typical customer.
The information used in a buyer persona includes age, location, income level, occupation, interests, hobbies, and any other details that you want to include. You can get as detailed as you want. The main idea is to create an image in your head of the type of customer that you want to attract.
You’ll use this buyer persona throughout marketing campaign. You can even create multiple personas, each with their own campaign.
Customize Your Landing Pages
Once you’ve created your buyer personas, you can begin incorporating this into your landing pages and other marketing material. Basically, whenever you create content, imagine that you are speaking directly to the buyer persona that you created.
You’ll be surprised by how effective this step is. It helps you stick to your main point and address issues that your buyer cares about. Overall, this helps increase your conversion rates, after a visitor lands on a landing page.
So, starting with the title of your landing page, think about what it takes to grab the attention of the buyer that you created. What is the main problem that they face that your product or service addresses? Come up with a catchy title that directly speaks to this fear or issue.
This same practice can be applied to all your marketing content. In addition to landing pages, you’ll use your buyer persona when creating targeted ads, social media posts, and blog articles.
Create Personalized Email Campaigns
The next step uses real personalization. Here’s where you’ll actually use your potential customer’s name in the content. Using an email marketing program or software, you can easily set the campaign to automatically insert the subscriber’s name into the email or subject line.
In addition to inserting their name into the email, remember to write the body of the email while focusing on your buyer persona.
Also, you can use this opportunity to provide product or service recommendations based on their past purchases or the pages that they’ve visited. The recommendations provide a simple solution for personalizing your marketing efforts.
Use Location-Based Advertising and Marketing
By tracking the physical location of your visitors, you can direct them to pages or content that’s geared towards a specific market.
For example, visitors from Maine may not have the exact same interests as visitors from Florida. You could use to offer different products or simply incorporate different manner of speech that appeals to a specific region.
Use Personalized Surveys to Learn More
The final step is to use personalized surveys to learn more about the interests of your customers. This offers two major benefits. These surveys help build trust with your customers, due to the fact that you’re showing them that you care about their interests and needs.
In addition to building trust, it also provides you with valuable insight. You’ll be able to learn more about their specific needs and desires, which can be used to enhance your marketing content or revise your buyer personas.
Personalizing your digital marketing strategy can be difficult, but it is definitely beneficial. It’s an extra step with major rewards. If you’d like to have access to more powerful marketing tips and suggestions, as well as a way to gain conversion-ready internet marketing prospects each month, then click here to learn about my done-for-you system.

How to Repurpose Your Content Without Getting Penalized

Creating content for your online marketing requires time and energy. It may even require money if you choose to outsource your content creation. So, it’s disappointing when you have dozens of old blog posts that no longer help add to your website traffic.
Luckily, you can reuse your old content. There are numerous ways to repurpose your content without getting penalized by search engines. This includes:
  • Update your content with new facts
  • Compile content into a new format
  • Convert a numbered list into multiple posts
  • Use a combination of these tips
Update Your Content with New Facts
The quickest solution is to update your old content with new facts or information. If you’ve got a post from last year that no longer receives any traffic, you could update it by making it relevant for today.
When you update old content, make a note of your updates at the bottom of the post. Let your readers know that this is an older post that’s been updated. Remember, you should always use honesty in all aspects of marketing.
So, what type of information can you add? This could include new facts, infographics, or you could simply make sure that the content is still applicable today. For example, if the advice that you provided is no longer relevant, you could make changes to make it relevant again.
Compile Content into a New Format
Another solution is to compile your content into a new format. Look for old posts the cover similar topics. They don’t need to cover the exact same topics, but they should at least have a similar theme.
Depending on how many posts you choose, you can convert them into an eBook or an expanded post. When compiling them into an eBook, use the individual posts as chapters. Then, simply add an introduction and a conclusion to the posts and publish as an eBook.
When publishing an eBook, you could either sell your eBooks through an online publishing site, such as Amazon, or use them as a free offer on your landing pages.
Instead of compiling multiple posts, you could convert an individual post into a new format. For example, take an old post and record a short video, using the post as your guideline for the content of the video.
The creation of videos isn’t your only option for this method. You could create podcasts or infographics. Think about the content of your post and which formats it would be best suited for.
Convert a Numbered List into Multiple Posts
The next option is to take a numbered list article and convert into multiple posts. For example, if you’ve got an article that contains numbered tips, create a full article out of each tip.
Expand on these points to create a detailed article. A numbered list article with 7 tips will become 7 separate articles.
Use a Combination of These Tips
You can even use a combination of these methods. For example, you could expand a numbered list and then convert it into an eBook. Or, you could update your content before compiling into a new format.
The bottom line is that you don’t need to let your old content get wasted. Just because it’s old doesn’t mean that you can’t use it again. Just think of how you can repurpose it to get more use out of it.
Along with these suggestions, if you’d like to have access to more powerful marketing tips, as well as a solution for generating conversion-ready internet marketing prospects each month, then click here to learn about my done-for-you system.

Start Increasing Your E-commerce Conversion Rates in 4 Steps

After you’ve spent money and time to generate traffic, you need conversions.
Your conversion rates are instrumental in your success. So, how do you increase the percentage of people that complete the desired action? By targeting the right people and rethinking your existing strategy.
Generally, if you’re having trouble converting traffic, there’s a reason behind the problem. Find out how to solve this problem and start boosting your conversion rates.
#1 Change the Intended Action
The first component that you might need to change is the intended action that you want from visitors to your landing page. For example, if you’re expecting these visitors to make a purchase, you’re taking the wrong approach.
Instead, you should focus on getting your traffic into a sales funnel. Don’t give visitors the hard sell on your landing page.
Give them an irresistible offer, such as a downloadable guide, so that you can capture their email address or contact information.
By itself, this step should lead to higher conversion rates on your landing pages. People are more willing to give away their email address in exchange for a free offer than they are to make a purchase on their first visit.
You’ll then follow up these leads with emails, encouraging them back to your site to make a purchase.
#2 Improve the Speed of Your Website
The speed of your site can also impact your conversion rates. It makes it hard for people to scroll through the page and view all the elements. Though, the real problem is that people don’t want to wait. Every 1-second delay leads to a further drop in conversion rates.
Check the speed of your landing pages. The page should load in less than 3 seconds. After 4 seconds, over 25% of your traffic will leave.
To improve speed, remove elements. Keep your page simple. You don’t need a sidebar and an abundance of plugins. A landing page should have a single focus, so there’s no reason to include anything unrelated to the main purpose of the page.
A landing page typically includes a headline, text, a few images and videos, and a form. Don’t clutter the page and slow down the speed.
Another way to improve the speed is to optimize your images. If an image is only going to display at 200 pixels, you don’t need the original image to be 1200 pixels. Determine the maximum viewing size of each image and scale them to those dimensions.
Also, reduce the DPI to 72. When viewing an image on a web page, there’s no need for a higher resolution.
#3 Improve Your Audience Targeting
If you’re having trouble with conversions, your target audience could be to blame. You should make sure that you’re targeting the right people.
Use the demographic data in your website analytics to analyze your traffic. Look for the traffic that converts. Find out what makes these visitors different from the ones that don’t convert. You might find that a particular region, age range, or gender results in higher conversions.
You can then use this data to improve the copy used on your landing pages. Then, adjust your PPC ads to reflect the data. Change your targeting options to focus on the right regions and target your audience based on demographics.
#4 Don’t Use Too Many Fields in Your Forms
Another factor that could result in lower conversion rates is the form on your page. Whether you’re collecting email addresses or offering a product or service, your form should be easy to fill out. If people need to stop and think about what they’re doing, they may change their mind.
The form should only contain fields that are necessary to complete the action. For example, if you’re getting people to join your mailing list, you really only need their email address. Though, you might want to get their name, so that you can personalize their emails.
But, if there’s no need to ask for their phone number, address, country, and other data unless it’s needed to complete a purchase.
If you want to increase conversion rates, you’ll need to look at what you’re doing. Make sure that you’re choosing the right goal for each landing page. Along with these tips, you can get even more marketing suggestions and a conversion-ready internet marketing system. Just click here to learn about my done-for-you system.

5 Tips to Instantly Boost Conversion Rates

A low conversion rate will waste your efforts to drive traffic to your website. If you can get a thousand people to visit a landing page, you’ll only get 10 new leads if your conversion rates are at 1%.
Typically, if you’ve got low conversion rates, there are just a few areas that need to be tweaked. By making a few small adjustments, you can instantly begin improving the percent of people that complete the desired action on your landing page.
Here’s 5 tips for instantly boosting your conversion rates.
Get Rid of the Jargon
You first need to get rid of the jargon on your landing page. People don’t respond to phrases and words that they don’t understand.
When you’re writing sales copy, you want people to understand your message. Keep it simple.
You need to get rid of the fluff. Here’s a few examples of jargon that needs to be eliminated:
  • State-of-the-art
  • High-quality
  • Powerful
  • Ultimate
These fluff words don’t need to be added, if you have a real value to offer your visitors. Instead of stating that you’ve got a “high-quality product”, you might state that you’ve got a “product that will change how you handle…”
Decide How Your Product is Different
You also need to know how your product or offer is different from your competition. You should never state the obvious in your copy. Instead, focus on what sets you apart. Otherwise, you’re focusing on what makes you the same as everyone else.
For example, if you sell tax preparation software, you wouldn’t list “helps you prepare taxes” as one of the benefits of your software. This is a given.
By focusing on the strengths, you can set yourself apart from the rest of your competition.
Address the Most Common Objections
Write a list of reasons why people may be hesitant to make a purchase on your website. Be honest and come up with the most common objections.
For example, people may be hesitant to purchase from an unqualified source. To address this, you need to explain why you’re qualified to offer your product or service.
Another common objection is that your product may not work for every customer. To address this objection, you should include a variety of customer testimonials.
Write the list of objections and then address them, one at a time. Use this list as a checklist that you go over before going live with your landing page.
Keep it Short
Keep it short. This applies to everything on your landing page. The words, sentences, and paragraphs should all be short. This makes your content easier to read.
Most people don’t read every single line in a sales ad or landing page. They skim through it. Break up your content and use shorter paragraphs.
Make it Easy to Complete the Next Step
Another solution for improving conversion rates is to make it easy for your visitors to complete the next step. Whether you’re having them subscribe to your email list or register for a webinar, the form they fill out needs to be short.
Typically, you should only include the required fields in your form. This includes name and email address. You really shouldn’t require more than 3 or 4 fields. Beyond this, conversion rates start to drop.
These are just a few tips for increasing your conversion rates. You should also try using A/B split testing to try different headlines and calls to action.
Along with these tips, you can gain even more internet marketing suggestions, and a way to generate more sales leads, by clicking here to learn about my done-for-you system.

5 Ways to Increase Paid Click Through Rates

An effect paid advertising campaign depends on your ability to get people to click on your ad. At the same time, you want to get the right people to click on your ad. You want visitors that are actually interested in what you’ve got to offer.
When pay-per-click (PPC) advertisements aren’t bringing in the sales leads that you expected, you don’t need to scrap your entire campaign. You just need to start tweaking your campaign to improve click through rates (CTR).
Here are 5 ways to increase paid click through rates.
Improve the Headline
The first place to start is with your headline. It’s the first thing that people see and it’s how you get them to click on your ad. This makes the headline the most important part of your PPC ad campaign.
The headline needs to be 25 characters or less. You have limited space. Use it wisely. Keep these tips in mind:
  • Use keyword phrases in your headline
  • Don’t use your business name in the headline
  • Solve a problem or ask a question
Include Keyword in Display URL
The focus keyword of your PPC ad should be used in your display URL. This is the visible URL that appears under your headline. You’re allowed to edit the display URL, even if it doesn’t match the destination URL.
You can include up to 35 characters in the display URL. This will include your domain name, along with space for your keyword. The ad will direct users to the URL that you specify in your
Don’t Include the Price in the Ad
When you include the price of a product or service in your headline or description, people are reminded that they’ll be spending money.
Instead of showing the price, you could display a discount or savings. For example, if you’ve got a product that regularly costs $50 and it’s on sale for $25, you could highlight the 50% off or the $25 discount.
Deliver a Specific Message
Before you go live with an ad, you should review it and ensure it delivers one specific message. Your ad can’t be ambiguous.
You should never try to promote more than one thing at a time. When a person views your ad, they should know exactly what they’re going to find when they click the link.
When you finish writing your ad, read it and ensure its direct and to the point. Don’t fill it with keywords. Write in a way that a person can easily understand.
Use Ad Extensions
Google introduced ad extensions several years ago, and they are available for free. They offer additional ways to entice people to click your ads. This includes site links. Site links allow you to include additional links in your ads.
Your ability to include extensions depend on your Ad Rank. The Ad Rank is determined based on the quality of your ad and your landing page.
In the end, improving your click through rate depends on a quality ad. You need to use a short headline that gets to the point quickly.
The body of the ad provides a line or two to elaborate on the message presented in the headline. You only have a few lines to make an impression and attract the right visitors.
As a final suggestion, you should take a look at what your competition is up to. View ads for relevant keywords and examine their landing pages.
Tweak your PPC campaign using these tips to boost click through rates. If you want more internet marketing suggestions, plus a way to generate conversion-ready prospects each month, click here to learn about my done-for-you system.