If you want to succeed with internet marketing, you need to make the most of the social media landscape. This means attracting more followers with the help of shared content.
Curated content, or found content, should comprise the majority of your social media posts. The profiles that only put out promotional posts never gain traction.
At the same time, you should try to post at least once per day, during the weekdays. This means that you need at least 5 posts per week. It can be hard to find enough relevant content to keep up this schedule, especially if you choose to post several times per day.
But, there are ways to find content and simplify this process.
#1 Search for Content on Twitter
The first place to look for content is Twitter. Simply scrolling through your Twitter feed and seeing what people have shared recently could give you a few ideas. You might find at least one article that you could share with your followers.
When you do find an article worth sharing, visit the actual article and retweet the initial tweet. Then, share the article with your other social media profiles, such as Facebook or Instagram.
#2 Personalize Your News Feed
The next solution for finding content is to personalize your news feed. Google and other news aggregators make it easy to add categories for specific terms. You can include a category for your niche market.
For example, if you’re involved in internet marketing, you can add an “internet marketing” category in your news feed. The news aggregator should then grab the latest news headlines related to internet marketing each day.
#3 Search a Sub-Reddit for Content
Reddit is a great source of content. There is a subreddit for everything. Find the subreddit related to your niche and scroll through the latest entries.
#4 Check Facebook for Content
Of course, Facebook is also a good place to look for content. It’s the most used social media network, with over a billion users.
Look for unconventional sources of news and content. Don’t rely on the businesses and brands that you follow. There’s a good chance that some of your followers will follow these same accounts. You don’t want to just repeat the same content to the same people.
You can use the search feature on Facebook to browse niche categories. If possible, look for content hosted on a website, instead of an individual Facebook post. Then, visit the link and share the article from the original source.
#5 Use Buzzsumo to Search for Trending Topics
The final solution for finding content is to use Buzzsumo. You can test it out for free, but it requires a monthly fee after 14 days. Though, you’ll have quick access to the most shared content related to any topic.
All you need to do is enter a keyword or topic in the search bar. Buzzsumo will present you with a list of search results. They are listed in order of total shares. But, you can adjust the search criteria to fit your needs. You can limit the results to posts within the past day, past month, or longer.
The bottom line is that you need content to share with your followers. You can’t just rely on your own content unless you have the time or money to generate new content on a daily basis. Use these solutions to quickly find content and stick to your social media posting schedule.
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5 Ways to Find Content to Share on Social Media
Jones Sialan
i still share only on facebook
nice articel